Created (c) by Princexells Seyka (Princelling Saki)

Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013

Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013

Based on #1 ranked BitDefender Antivirus technology and IObit anti-malware engine, Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013 incorporates top anti-virus capabilities, as well as the already proven comprehensive PC tune-up ability. With its real-time protection against viruses, spyware and phishing attacks, powerful tuning-up and cleaning functionality, Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013 provides always-on, automated, and all-in-one protection against all kinds of security threats, system slow down, freeze and crash. It ensures PC security, and maintains maximum computer performance automatically without slowing down your system. Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013 is compatible with other security software like anti-virus, anti-malware, firewall, etc.

Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013 is a stand-alone product. Besides the newly built-in antivirus functionality, it includes all the features of Advanced SystemCare PRO. PRO users who uninstalled Advanced SystemCare during the trial can easily revert it back at any time.

Key Benefits :
  • Unrivaled Detection Rate and Maximum Protection
One click to clean hidden and stubborn Viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, adware and various malware. Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013 also provides an always-on, automated, and proactive protection against all kinds of Internet security threats, with rapid virus database updating.
  • Enjoy Confident Security without System Slowdown
Your system runs at its top speed without any performance lag, due to our industry-leading Internet security technology.
  • Safe Surf, Search, Download and Share with Confidence
Proactive Virus Control technology monitors processes behavior in real-time, scans files shared with email and blocks possible threats. Unmatched detection rate assures you a safer environment while using your PC.
  • Get Highly-tuned Performance and Enjoy the New PC Feeling
Already proven powerful PC tune-up ability unleashes the full power of your PC. With Real-time optimization and ActiveBoost feature, system resources are intelligently managed to ensure you a super-fast PC.
  • No Privacy Leaks
Cleans your activity traces such as cookies, surfing history, auto-fill passwords and traces of other programs to protect your privacy.
  • Uninterrupted Gaming or Working Experience
Two Turbo Boost modes- Work Mode and Game Mode- save you from all hassles and annoyance by terminating unnecessary services and processes. In addition, you can now adjust the configuration according to your needs.
  • Avoid all Hassles with One Click
Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013 inherits the ease-of-use feature from all IObit products. With one click, it scans and repairs your PC problems and protects you from hidden security threats.

  • More than 20 Dedicated Smart Tools for Everyday PC Maintenance Enhanced
Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013 integrates IObit's latest Toolbox which has more than 20 dedicated smart tools for everyday PC maintenance or advanced needs, including tools for system cleaning, optimizing and repairing, tools for security enhancement, and tools for full control over the system.
  • Automatically Works in the Background
This powerful utility works continuously, automatically and quietly in the background on your PC. You can set it as your schedule or just let it work automatically when your PC is idle.
  • New UI Technology for Quicker Start and Less Resource Usage
With the new UI technology, Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013 will start up faster using fewer system resources.
  • Powerful Hard Drive Defragmentation
Fast, powerfully and incredibly effective Disk Defrag function to defragment hard drives - up to 10 times faster than other defragmentation tools.
  • FREE and Award-Winning Customer Support for All Users
Free 24/7 Technical Support and community support.
  • 100% Money-back Guarantee
When you purchase Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013, your satisfaction is guaranteed. Within 30 days, you can request your money back if you're not satisfied for any reason.

Operating System : Designed for Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista and XP

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  1. weewwwww.....ane mw komentar gimana ya(ga mudeng pake bhs inggris),...hhehehe

  2. @Misbahudin : ya pk bhs indonesia sob :D , tuh bisa .


    link agan telah terpasang juga di blog saya silahkan dicek kembali gan....

  4. informasi yang bagus kawan
    terima kasih

  5. mantap juga neh sob, gua mau cari antivirus yang gak terlalu berat seperti ini..ntar wa coba dah

  6. @Joe Satria : Silahkan dicoba sob smoga cocok.

  7. info yang menarik sob, blognya rame nih...boleh dicoba nih antivirusnya...

  8. @idham arvio : silahkan dicoba sob :>

  9. @galedeg : yoi sob ....... trims.

  10. pakai translate dong sob,...supaya informasinya aku jiga tau kalau kayak gini terpaksa pc aku gigit hehehe

  11. gan aku udh follow blog mu .. aku mau ninggalin jejak di guestbook msa gak jd ,, ajdi nulis disini ,, follow back ya >....

  12. ini buat apa sih qaqa.??
    saya sungguh tidak mengerti :(

  13. @catatanrobith : folback sukses sob, trims . : ini software utilities utk optimalisasi Komputer plus antivirus.

  14. ga ngerti aq sob..
    jadi aq ngeramaikan komentar aja ya..
    soalnya bahasa inggris aq ketinggalan td pas blogwalking..hehe

  15. selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa Ramadhan bro ^_^

  16. @Eflianda : jangan2 dompetnya jg ketinggalan sob :D

    @Ants Kaka : Terimakasih sob .

  17. ak egg bsa bhs. ingg :O

  18. Nice blog salam kenal ya.

  19. @TambelanBlog : salam kenal jg sob, tirms.

  20. that cool man, when i saw the ability i think that high tech antivir, thanks for sharing bro

  21. kunjungn balik gan,..ini anti viru terbaru ya,,,,

  22. @PGTK : ini software utilities sob , buat optimalisasi kinerja komputer cuman ada tambahan/plus nya yaitu terintegrasi dg antivirus.

  23. MAntaapp kang , maaf baru mampir :D
    abbsenn malam di sini :D

  24. jadi ceritanya ini System care ama Anti Virus??
    Lumayan juga idenya :D
    nice share

    "Mari budayakan comment^^"

  25. bagus niech antivirus gabung sama system care.


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