Created (c) by Princexells Seyka (Princelling Saki)

Download SuperRam

SuperRam Final

SuperRam allows you take control of your computer's memory, how physical memory is allocated and help determine the performance of your computer system. Windows routinely allocates memory to applications, games and system processes; over time the memory becomes completely used handling all of these tasks.

With SuperRam, memory management is tuned to maintain computer stability but a greater emphasis is placed on computer performance. Once installed SuperRam begins to monitor the total amount of memory your computer has installed, it also monitors when your computer reaches a threshold of memory to maintain, when that threshold is reached SuperRam immediately will release all memory that it determines can be released on the computer system back to Windows.

When SuperRam is installed any new application, program or game that is opened will use physical memory installed on the computer and placing applications that you opened previously to use virtual memory. This allows software to run with an emphasis on performance when performance is needed; such as when playing games, editing photos/videos, using processor and memory intensive applications.

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  1. Wow Sepertinya software mantap.
    saya izin download ya mas.
    terima kasih.

    Visit back and coomen di artikel saya ya.

    1. silahkan sob, ok ntar ane mampir ke blog sobat.


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